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In the regrettable circumstance that you wish to make a formal complaint about an aspect of the service you have received from Prosper Home Loans Ltd, one of it's brokers, representatives or employees.

Please put your complaint in writing ensuring you state the native, circumstances and reasoning behind your complaint and sent it to:

Complaints Dept.
Prosper Home Loans
60 Sedlescombe Road North
St. Leondards-on-Sea
TN37 7DT

Alternatively, your complain can be lodged by telephoning us on 01424 712333. We will take details of your complaint over the phone or you will be called back by a manager or director.

You will receive confirmation of your complaint within 5 working days and we will endeavour to investigate and resolve your complaint as soon as possible but at worst within 8 weeks, subject to any complications.

Upon conclusion of our investigations we will report our findings to you and any action to be taken.

At this time if you are unhappy with the outcome of our investigations we will advise you of your rights to refer the matter to either the Financial Ombudsman or the Information Commissioner's Office.

Available 7 days a week 9am – 9pm