A florist making a bouquet of flowers
Self Employed


IT and other contractors. General high paid IT or high net worth contractors are self-employed! This can sometimes be difficult to support a larger mortgage using self-employed income!

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Do not despair, at Prosper we have high street lenders that will take a different view for IT and high net worth contractors.

For IT contractors on any income and other contractors whose income is more than £500 per day or £75,000 per annum: whether they are employed or self-employed, we have high street lenders that accept the gross value of the contract as evidence of income.

All applicants must have a current continuous employment of 12 months or more with 6 months of the contract remaining or 2 years continuous service in the same type of employment. If this is you situation you should give Prosper a call and get a high street rate with one of the top four banks rather than looking or taking a second tier lender.

You would be treated as self-employed if you have more than one contract, or where you have set up a limited company and employ other contractors.

Give us a call as there are options but we need to know your circumstances.

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